Whatever tech stack the job requires, but...

... even I think that this is true, there are some tools I used a lot more than others in the last decade that I am extremely comfortable with.


  • Go

    The programming language I currently feel most comfortable with, as I have used it most frequently over the years, both professionally and privately. My entry version was Go 1.4 in 2014. Since then, I have applied Go in countless projects, conducted Go training sessions and workshops, and helped introduce and scale Go into companies.

  • Python

    Python remains my go-to language for data processing and AI. Professionally, I used Python for several years for the backend development of the EntwicklerHeld platform and have come to love it in combination with Django.

  • JavaScript

    JavaScript is essentially a topic in every project. Therefore, I regularly use JavaScript professionally with clients and, having expanded my knowledge over the past decade, now possess a comprehensive understanding of the language.

  • Java

    Java is always around, even when the job posting doesn't involve Java. Although my active Java days are a few years behind me, I still regularly encounter Java, Spring Boot, Quarkus, & Co. and feels comfortable working with them.

  • Tools

  • Docker (Containers in general)

    One of the technologies that has excited me the most in recent years. Since 2015, I have been using Docker and its ecosystem in almost every project, whether for the build process or for operations - it is always a key component.

  • Ansible

    Since 2015, I have been using Ansible for software delivery automation and appreciate the minimalism that the tool offers, along with its sheer power.

  • Terraform

    Whenever cloud resources need to be managed consistently, Terraform is used as an IaC tool. Since 2015, I have used Terraform to manage resources from various cloud providers, including AWS, GCP, OTC, IBM Cloud, Azure, and Hetzner Cloud.

  • Prometheus & Grafana

    The tool we used at EntwicklerHeld to monitor everything. Whether it was performance metrics or business metrics - we built both tools from the ground up for reporting purposes, implemented them, and continuously expanded them. Once you’ve done that, you understand the amount of work involved in a tool like Datadog ;)

  • Backend

  • Django

    The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines" - this statement hits the mark, and I have appreciated Django since my time at EntwicklerHeld as one of the best web frameworks.

  • Frontend

  • Vue.js

    The frontend framework we used at EntwicklerHeld. We applied and mastered some important Vue concepts (e.g., event-based communication between components) during the platform development.

  • Platforms

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    I have been using the AWS Cloud regularly in various projects for over 10 years now, gaining both broad and in-depth experience. My knowledge in AWS is the most extensive and detailed among all my cloud service provider experiences.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    Through the long-term operation of the EntwicklerHeld platform and my own interest in personal projects, I am very familiar with the Google Cloud and can build suitable cloud architectures, especially around the GKE service.

  • Kubernetes

    Through the operation of the Kubernetes platform on a Kubernetes cluster for managing dynamic and isolated user workspaces, I have built a profound knowledge around this platform and have continually expanded it due to my enthusiasm for "the operating system of the cloud."

  • Hetzner Cloud

    The simplicity and minimalism of this cloud have fascinated me from the beginning, which is why I have used and come to love Hetzner in many private and semi-professional projects.

  • Operating Systems

  • Linux

    I started using Linux very early in my life because my father, a former admin, encouraged me to use this operating system. While I am not a specialist in the field, I have probably set up over 1,000 Raspberry Pis, root servers, or virtual machines in the last 10 years.

  • MacOS

    My operating system of choice when it comes to professional software development. I was satisfied with a laptop running Ubuntu for a long time, but I had to enter xrandr too often to give presentations on a projector. Therefore, I have been a satisfied MacOS user for the past 7 years.